Xp black theme visual style alternate very strong for the Windows Start Menu, System tray and Taskbar. This is, of course, fully skinnable, with various themes that came with the package and many hundreds more available online. NextSTART also much more than just a beautiful theme
A powerful, multi-paged desktop replacement, program launcher and document organizer that can be used as an alternative or supplement to the normal Windows desktop. Also features handy modules such as a talking clock that can synchronize your system time with the atomic time servers on the Internet, an Email Checker, Weather monitor, CPU, RAM and Net Meters and more!
NeXuS: A super fast program launcher, allows you to organize your most frequently used applications and put them into docks.
An incredibly powerful replacement for the Windows Start Menu, System tray and Taskbar. It is, of course, fully skinnable, with a wide range of themes supplied with the package and many hundreds more available online. NextSTART is also far more than just a pretty face - offering fully configurable menus that can 'float' anywhere on the desktop and which may be called up with a simple mouse button press, a hotkey combination or simply by 'bumping' the edge of the screen with the mouse pointer. NextSTART also offers built-in file browsing and task management, supports full drag-and drop both to and from the menus and includes many other amazing features - including full theme integration with other Winstep Xtreme applications.
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